“I want to divorce my husband.”
If you’ve said those words – or even if they’ve just been floating around in your head a while – it might be time for you to get in touch with an attorney and learn about your options.
But are you really ready for divorce?
The good news: You don’t have to be ready to file divorce paperwork right now to talk to a lawyer. Instead, speaking with an attorney is more of an exploration – it’s a way to find out if you’re ready to dive in with both feet and dissolve your marriage.
Check out these five signs you’re ready to divorce your husband.
No two people deal with the break-up of a marriage in exactly the same way. You might be ready long before – or long after – someone else in a similar situation.
But these five signs can indicate that you’re ready to divorce your husband and start a new life without him.
Divorce is a big deal, and nobody arrives at the decision to break off a marriage lightly. If you’re at the stage where you can be honest about the way you feel – and you’re not in love with your husband any more – you may be ready to begin the process.
Living with conflict – or living with a lack of any compassion, warmth or romance – is incredibly stressful. If going it alone looks more appealing than staying in a miserable situation, that can be a sign that you’re ready to talk to a divorce lawyer.
Although divorce is just a legal process that dissolves a marriage contract, it can have several repercussions. You’ll be living on your own, and outside spousal support and child support, you’ll be responsible for providing for your own needs. If you have children, you’ll have to help them cope, as well.
During your divorce, you’ll have to negotiate with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. In order for both of you to come out of the divorce reasonably satisfied with the outcome, you might have to turn to a mediator for help. You’ll have to make agreements that are good for everyone and that respect your spouse’s rights. If you’re ready to do that, you may be ready to file for divorce from your husband.
Divorce is one of the biggest life events you’ll ever go through, which means you have to have plans in place. You and your spouse will eventually need to reach agreements on child custody that serve your kids’ best interests, and you’ll also have to be able to support yourself financially. If you’ve mapped out how you’re going to handle your post-divorce future, it may be the right time for you to talk to an attorney.
If you’re thinking about divorce and you’re reasonably sure you’re ready to take the first step, we can help you.
Call us at 209-910-9865 to schedule your consultation with an experienced, compassionate divorce attorney today.