How to create a PDF document using the PDF Create Assistant

PDF documents can be created using the PDF Create Assistant. These PDF documents can be created using various options enabled or disabled.

To create a PDF document using the PDF Create Assistant, perform the following:

  1. Go to Start > All Programs > Nuance Power PDF > Create Assistant
  2. Click Add and browse to the file to be used to create the new PDF document
  3. Select the output type
  4. Select a Profile
  5. Click on Saving to define how and where to save the PDF document
  6. Click on Start PDF creation

There are four output options to create PDF documents:

Note: PDF Packages are *.pdf files that contain other files in their original format. These files are not converted; the Package is container for all of the files.

The PDF document can be created using one of the following default Profiles:

Additional Profiles can be created and applied to new PDF documents. To do this, perform the following:

  1. Click on Profiles > New
  2. Enter a Profile name
  3. Select a Compatible with type
  4. Select the applicable Font Embed option to retain to discard embedded fonts
  5. Select the Compression level
  6. Select Security level or change the security options by clicking on Advanced
  7. Apply a Watermark by selecting one from the Name drop-down menu
  8. Enable the applicable Document Settings options
  9. Click OK