Publication date 2017 Topics Surgical Procedures, Operative, Clinical Medicine Publisher Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled; inlibrary Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 1.0G
vii, 328 pages : 22 cm
"Fiser's ABSITE Review was the first preparatory book written in outline style and surprisingly continues to be the only book of success in the market written in this style (most are Q/A). All facets of the test are covered, from basic science to clinical knowledge in general surgery as well as the surgical subspecialties. Employing the high-yield, telegraphic memory-prompting style, the fifth edition again presents dozens of illustrations and algorithms depicting important concepts in full color"--
"The 5th edition of The ABSITE Review follows previous editions in targeting material found on the ABSITE. New guidelines on hemostatic resuscitation, damage control surgery, and breast cancer management are just a few of the additions. It continues to provide a very rapid review of surgery while still providing sufficient explanation so the reader does not feel lost"--
Includes bibliographical references and index
Obscured text on back cover due to sticker attached.
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