American English File Level 3 Student Book + Workbook Multipack B

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Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2021-11-16 15:07:35 Associated-names Oxenden, Clive; Latham-koenig, Christina Bookplateleaf 0002 Boxid IA40289307 Camera USB PTP Class Camera Collection_set printdisabled External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1288397160
urn:lcp:americanenglishf0000unse:epub:b59056a9-ab64-45d0-9b2d-080447f4a41a Foldoutcount 0 Identifier americanenglishf0000unse Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2kr0rzqqb4 Invoice 1652 Isbn 9780194774574
0194774570 Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-rc2-1-gf788 Ocr_detected_lang en Ocr_detected_lang_conf 1.0000 Ocr_detected_script Latin Ocr_detected_script_conf 0.9943 Ocr_module_version 0.0.14 Ocr_parameters -l eng Old_pallet IA-NS-1200259 Openlibrary_edition OL26176506M Openlibrary_work OL17573371W Page_number_confidence 0 Page_number_module_version 1.0.5 Pages 150 Pdf_module_version 0.0.17 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20211116195907 Republisher_operator Republisher_time 360 Scandate 20211115005528 Scanner Scanningcenter cebu Scribe3_search_catalog isbn Scribe3_search_id 9780194774574 Tts_version 4.5-initial-77-gb148eb45

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